Category Information

Does your business live for all things local? This award recognises companies who are passionate about supporting Somerset’s economy through local activity and can demonstrate this through their use of local employment, training, trading or regional supply chain etc.

Judges will be looking for:

  • Statistics and evidence on the level of local activity

For any queries regarding your entry, please get in touch with the Chamber team at

How do I enter?

All you need to do is complete the online entry form, making sure that you understand the criteria for the category/ies that you wish to enter.

  • Choose your category
  • Enter a statement of up to 800 words explaining why your business merits an award
  • Highlight up to six key points selling your company to the judges
  • Attach up to five pieces of evidence to support your application – attachments can be up to a maximum of 2MB each.
  • Attach the company logo
Does my business qualify?

All businesses entering the awards must be based within the district council administrative boundaries of Sedgemoor, South Somerset, Mendip and Somerset West and Taunton. Business can also enter if they are based within the following North Somerset Council and Bath and North East Somerset postcodes:

BS21, 22, 23, 24, 40, 48 and 49

The business should have its head office within the defined eligible area set out above. If this is not the case, the entry MUST demonstrate that the enterprise has local autonomy over business planning, marketing, HR and budget within the eligible areas listed above.

If you are unsure if you qualify, please get in touch.

Have queries?

Visit our frequently asked questions page